The technology in favor of the productivity

Gado de leite

The technology in favor of the productivity

                Investment in technology is fundamental for every business and Agribusiness is no different. A recent research ordered by “Embrapa Gado de Leite” in Minas Gerais, Brazil, conducted by the master’s student Frederico Correia Cairo of the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), demonstrated the possible increase of reproductive efficiency of the herd. The research was made possible by the innovative and exclusive technology of INTERGADO – an agribusiness company that aims to develop innovative solutions for the Precision Livestock. In this investigation, the INTERGADO Science equipment was used, which is a line of products specifically designed for scientific investigation. This device accelerates the collection of information and generates automatically reliable and accurate data. This investigation was also made possible by the cooperation of the University of Wisconsin- Madison (Wis), U.S.A and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).

              The scientists studied the changes in feeding behavior, feed intake and feed efficiency for early estrus detection in dairy heifers. Among the products of the Intergado’s Science line used were,the electronic troughs, the electronic drinker and the scale. After the installation of the equipments the researchers tracked the data that showed alteration of the feeding behavior. The results showed that the variation on the diet and water consumption of a dairy cow allows it to detect six hours earlier if the animal is going to be on estrus and guarantee more precision compared to visual detection, and thus reduce reproductive losses. According to the study, a cow that is about to enter on an estrus eats between 25% to 35% less food and water. The accuracy of the data of this method results in an increase of the animal reproduction and consequently an optimization of the farm’s profit. The constant monitoring overcomes the visual observation since it does not require human presence.

              The investigator Frederico Correia Caro said that the use of INTERGADO’s technology was essential for the success of his study. He emphasized that investment in technology is a process that will lead the future of this industry, therefore cooperating with companies that develop this type of services is the guarantee of the evolution of the business and the optimization of the producer’s profit. To learn more about this subject, please read Embrapa’s material, based on the scientific article published by the master’s student Fredrico Correia Cairo.

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